Modified Barium Swallow Study
The modified barium swallow study (MBSS) is a specialized imaging study to evaluate your swallowing function. This study is useful for diagnosing conditions related to aspiration, swallowing difficulties, and problems with the esophagus. During the procedure, a speech-language pathologist asks you to consume various textured substances mixed with barium, a contrast material that makes the swallowing process visible using fluoroscopy.
As you swallow, your speech-language pathologist reviews your swallow mechanics in real time. The results of the study help you, your pathologist and your physician diagnose any swallowing challenges you may have. Together you can formulate your treatment and consider strategies for safer eating.
At ECRMC, MBBS procedures are performed in cooperation with a physician-radiologist to ensure a safe, comprehensive evaluation.
If you need an MBSS or other swallow study, call us at 760-482-5000 to schedule.